Rome2rio küsimused

-Rome2rio Travel Survey--
Using Rome2rio
Question Title
Why do you use Rome2rio?

I use Rome2rio while travelling to find my way around

I use Rome2rio for planning future trips

I use Rome2rio for planning future trips and while travelling

I’m a Travel Professional who uses Rome2rio to plan travel for others

Other (please specify)

What type of trips do you use Rome2rio for?
Please select all that apply.

A local neighbourhood trip

A business trip

A long-term trip such as a gap year or working holiday

Finding my way around a city

An international vacation / holiday

Regular commute to and from work

A regional short break

A vacation / holiday within my own country

Other (please specify)

What do you use Rome2rio for?
Please select all that apply.

To find price and ticket information

To find transport options between locations

To find schedules/timetables

To decide where to travel to

For travel tips and advice

To calculate distance and travel time

To purchase tickets

To find alternative or lesser known routes

Other (please specify)

What additional services would you use if Rome2rio offered them?

Tried and tested itineraries from experienced travellers

A travel forum with advice and tips for getting around

A place to save my tickets and reservations offline

A place to create, plan and store my future trip itineraries

Carbon emission information about my trip

Recommendations for things to do and see

Travel deals and discounts

Other? Make a suggestion...


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